BLUE RED FLORAL pincushion kit (PLEASE limit one per person)

$35.00 USD Sold Out

One pincushion kit includes 1 vintage embroidery, 6 feedsack strips, 1 square of vintage feedsack fabric for backing, rick rack, beads, a Glide 60wt thread bobbin and 2 kinds of needles. Hobbs fusible (iron on) batting for one front and back as well. You’ll need crushed walnut shells to fill. (find in your local pet food shop as lizard litter or on Amazon) US shipping is $4.50, plus tax added where applicable

***There are NO written instructions with these, but if you've purchased the online class, you'll know what to do! (The kit does not include the online class) You might also screenshot the suggested assembly. Kits change weekly.***

Find my online class in this link

Class preview is here on YouTube
